KOKO was commissioned by the School of Rock© franchise to create a brand design strategy for their chain of interactive music schools. KOKO oversaw the construction of five prototype schools, and the KOKO design concepts were implemented in School of Rock© franchises across the United States.

Designing for skeptical teenagers, especially aspiring rock and roll musicians, provided very specific and interesting challenges. The concept was to create an authentic and inviting environment that would allow for creativity without being didactic or pedantic. The School of Rock environment gives kids their own personal space to express themselves and develop a sense of ownership. Kids are encouraged to post their photos on the lenticular Members Wall and exchange messages with their fellow musicians on the galvanized steel walls of the Member’s Lounge. Graffiti inspired graphics challenge and activate the school vs. rock concept throughout, and allow for the spaces to evolve and change with student interaction.

By providing an extensive menu of design options, we were able to retain the School of Rock concept while allowing each location to explore their own individuality. Creative uses of graphic treatments, furniture and repurposing existing structures helped to offset financial constraints of new franchisees. We also developed a budget friendly FF&E package for high impact environments.


Byrd Dangle House


Akiyoshi Bento Box